Dr Eamonn Mitchell
Research interests
Eamonn began in MIC in 2008 on secondment to the area of Visual Art Education, after a number of years working as a Primary Teacher in Ireland. Eamonn worked in school placement as School Placement Lecturer and as Coordinator of large nationwide placements for more than a decade. Eamonn was the Programme Leader and coordinated and lectured on the Postgraduate Master in Education for Educational Leadership and Management (a hyflex programme in MIC). Eamonn has lectured annually on postgraduate programmes on the areas of arts-based educational research, (auto)biographical research in education, and reflective inquiry as research. In 2024, Eamonn returned to lecture in the area of Visual Art Education.
Research interests include:
Visual arts in education; arts-based educational research; self-study; reflective inquiry; teacher identity; philosophy of education; care in education; (auto)biographical research; educational leadership; initial teacher education; and school placement.
Eamonn is a founding member of the ESAI Critical & Feminist Research Special Interest Group.
More information
- Mitchell, E., Young, A. M., Hayes, M., & de Paor, D., 2023. "A moral madness between policy and practice in the caring role of the cooperating teacher in school placement in Ireland", European Journal of Teacher Education, (published online): DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02619…;
- Young, AM., Ní Dhuinn, M., Mitchell, E., Ó Conaill, N., and Uí Choistealbha, J., 2022. "Disorienting Dilemmas and Transformative Learning for School Placement Teacher Educators during COVID-19: Challenges and Possibilities", Journal of Education for Teaching : Special Issue - Learning from COVID-19: continuity or change in teacher education?, 48(4), 459-474, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/02607…;
- Kenny, A, Finneran, M., and Mitchell, E., 2015. "Becoming an educator in and through the arts: Forming and informing emerging teachers' professional identity", Teaching and Teacher Education, 49, 159-167.
- Kenny, A., Mitchell, E., Ní Chróinín, D., Vaughan, E. and Murtagh, E., 2014. "‘In their shoes’: exploring a modified approach to peer observation of teaching in a university setting", Innovations in Education and Teaching International, 51(2), 218-229.
- Ní Chróinín, D., Mitchell, E., Kenny, A., Murtagh, E., and Vaughan, E., 2013. "How can pre-service primary teachers’ perspectives contribute to a pedagogy that problematises the ‘practical’ in teacher education?", Irish Educational Studies, 32(2), 251-267.
Peer-Reviewed Conferences
- Young, AM, Ní Dhuinn, M., Mitchell, E., Uí Choistealbha, J., and Ó Conaill, N., 2023. "Learning from disorienting dilemmas on the practicum experience during COVID-19", ATEE Winter Conference. Teacher Professional Development in times of Global and 'G'local Transformations: International Perspectives and Challenges, Braga, Portugal, October 26-28.
- Young, AM, Ní Dhuinn, M., Mitchell, E., Ó Conaill, N., and Uí Choistealbha, J., 2022. "The COVID-19 practicum experience in Initial Teacher Education: A new means to an end", ATEE Spring Conference. Teacher Education and Practice: Foresight and Hindsight, Marino, Dublin, May 25-27.
- Mitchell, E., 2022. "Reflections on Caring: Between Policy and New-Managerialism in the Potentiality of Caring in Initial Teacher Education (ITE) in Ireland", TEPE Annual Conference, Graz, Austria, April 11-13.
- Mitchell, E., 2020. "Revaluing Caring: Reflections on Noddings’ Caring Ethic in Contemporary Irish Initial Teacher Education", AERA Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, USA, April 16-21 (moved online due to Covid19).
- Mitchell, E., 2019. "Care Values, Noddings and Reflective Inquiry in an Era of Market-led Educational Change: Vignettes from ITE", ESAI Annual Conference, Sligo, April 13.
- Mitchell, E., 2015. "Scratching Beneath the Surface: Exposing and Redefining my Role(s) as Teacher Educator", IRMSS, MIC, Limerick, June 7.
- Mitchell, E., 2015. "Arts Educators’ Beginnings: Necessitating Academic Engagement with the Arts in Student Teacher Identity Formation", AERA Annual Conference, Chicago, Il., USA, April 16-20.
- Mitchell, E., Ní Chróinín, D., Kenny, A., Murtagh, E. and Vaughan, E., 2011. "Practical partnership in learning: weaving teacher intention and student experience in Initial Teacher Education", ITE Conference, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, July 2011
- Mitchell, E., Ní Chróinín, D., Kenny, A., Murtagh, E. and Vaughan, E., 2011. "Closing the ‘gap’: exploring the alignment between teacher intention and student experience", ESAI Annual Conference, Church of Ireland College of Education, Dublin, April14-16.
- Mitchell, E., 2010. "Intersecting boundaries: an exploration of self, group and culture in visual arts education. Borders, Boundaries and Identities: Education in Challenging Times", ESAI Annual Conference, Crown Plaza Hotel, Dundalk, Co. Louth, March 25-27.
- Mitchell, E., 2009. "A/r/tographic contextual understanding: tuning in to visual art education through a self-study inquiry of the artist/researcher/teacher", Intune - Shannon Consortium Postgraduate Conference, MIC, Limerick, May 19.
- Mitchell, E., 2009. "A/r/tographic living inquiry: a creative approach to engaging research in education for the artist/researcher/teacher", IPDA 2nd Annual Conference, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, March 21.
- Mitchell, E., 2008. "A visual journey: gaining understanding during a reflective and reflexive inquiry", IPDA inaugural Annual conference: Professional Development in a Digital Age, St. Patrick’s College, Drumcondra, Dublin, April 26.
- MIC, 2021. "Institutional Report for School Placement: Innovation Report to the Teaching Council", co-authored by Ó Conaill. N., Mitchell, E., and Ring, E., 2/7/2021
- Mitchell, E., 2019. "How do I remain caring?: A reflective inquiry by an initial teacher educator in Irish higher education", QUB EdD Thesis, QUB, Northern Ireland.
- Mitchell, E., 2007. "Nine moments of clarity: A living inquiry into visual arts education’s philosophies and practices", MIC M.Ed. Thesis, MIC, Limerick.