MIC Inspiring Generations for 125 Years
8 December 2023 marks the 125th anniversary since the laying of the original foundation stone of the College. Since its foundation, the College has consistently grown and diversified, and today stands proud as a dynamic and ambitious university-level institution.
Enduring Legacy
Whether you know it as Mary Immaculate College, Mary I or MIC, the College has been a fixture on the Irish educational landscape for 125 years.
It has gone from 75 students in 1901 to 5,000 students today. The first graduating class was 25. In 2023, we conferred 26 PhDs and almost 2,000 graduates overall.
MIC has grown in every way, not just in student numbers but in academic provision, geographical footprint and ambition.
Based across three campuses, our students are drawn from all over the globe.
MIC continues to make a unique and significant educational, social and cultural contribution to all aspects of society.
Did our Founders ever imagine we would come so far?

The Mary Immaculate Podcast
The Mary Immaculate Podcast is a collection of conversations about the interesting things that happen in and around Mary Immaculate College.
Our first pod is a special edition to mark the 125-year anniversary of the foundation of the College. We have assembled a panel of MIC’s past, present and future, to talk about Mary Immaculate College’s 125-year legacy.
Hear about how the College was established, how the student experience has evolved over the decades, how physically lowering our walls welcomed the local community in Limerick onto our grounds and much more.
Faculty of Arts Public Lecture Series 2024
As part of the MIC125 anniversary celebrations, the Faculty of Arts held a series of public lectures every Thursday in February - showcasing some of the excellent academics who form part of the Faculty and the various subjects which fascinate them;
Dr John McDonagh
The Terrible Gift of my Name - Brendan Kennelly, Oliver Cromwell and the Art of Writing Back
Dr Catherine Swift
The Black Book of Limerick
Prof. Paul Aplin
Seeing is Believing: Climate Change Down a Very Long Lens
Dr Rosemary Day
Listen and Learn - Ireland and the Radio
Dr Daniel Vasquez
The Ethics of Arguing Both Sides of a Question

Messages of Congratulations!
Friends and colleagues celebrate the impact that MIC has made over the past 125 years.