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MIC and Tipperary ETB strengthen cooperation in Further & Higher Education provision through singing of MoU

Senior Management of MIC and Tipperary ETB signing the MoU

Mary Immaculate College (MIC) and Tipperary Education and Training Board (ETB) have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to recognise existing cooperation between the two institutions and cement plans for further collaboration in the Further and Higher Education sector. 

The MoU, which will be in place for four years, recognises the common purpose of both MIC and Tipperary ETB as key providers of education and training in Tipperary and underlines a commitment to working together to facilitate key projects to enable student pathways and professional learning, where a shared sense of common purpose exists. 

The undertakings in the MoU include, as a primary focus, collaboration between MIC and Tipperary ETB on the operation of the BA in Education, Home Economics and Business Studies (MI002) programme, which was launched in September 2023. The programme has proved to be incredibly popular with prospective students and its introduction last year was praised by Minister for Education, Norma Foley TD, for helping tackle a teacher supply issue in the discipline.

Additionally, the MoU sets out commitments to collaborate on areas of mutual interest, including enhanced progression opportunities to Higher Education courses from Further Education and Training provision; the development and operation of shared facilities in Thurles; opportunities for collaboration on academic provision in the region; and enhanced promotion of Tipperary ETB and MIC courses to ETB post-primary education schools.

According to Professor Eugene Wall, President of MIC: “The signing of this MoU strengthens the cooperation between MIC and Tipperary ETB and endorses our commitment to enhancing the provision of education and training opportunities.”

Chairperson of Tipperary ETB, Cllr Mary Hanna Hourigan, said: “Tipperary ETB and MIC are key providers of education and training. The collaborative process strengthened by this Memorandum of Understanding will facilitate more key projects to enable student pathways and professional learning opportunities for Tipperary ETB staff.”