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Access & Disability Services

Entrance to the library is through electronically operated gates and these operate by swipe card (barcode on Library ID card). A wide gate has been provided to facilitate wheelchair users. To use this gate you will need to have your ID card specially configured. Contact the to have this done.
A lift and ramp provide access to the first floor of the library.

The library with the help of the  Access and Disability Support Service in the college is committed to making its services and facilities accessible to everyone. If you would like to discuss any aspect of using the library, contact the Users Services Librarian at 061- 204360

For further information for students who are registered with the Access & Disability Office.

Please contact Shirley Kearney, or contact the Library Service Desk (061-204370)

The Library catalogue contains details of all the material held in the library and access to your user account. The catalogue may be accessed from any PC in the library or around the college, or from any location off campus with Internet access. If your disability means that it is hard for you to use the catalogue then contact the Users Services Librarian who will be happy to help you.

If it is difficult for you to find books on the library shelves, arrangements can be made to have the books got for you. If you need this service please contact the Users Services Librarian.

An audio induction loop (AFILS) is provided for the benefit of hearing aid users at the Library Issue Desk.