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Academic Matters

The academic programme at Mary Immaculate College is semesterised and modularised. Each semester comprises 15 weeks: 12 weeks of classes followed by one study week and two weeks of examinations. Each course module lasts one semester and normally involves a minimum of three hours of lectures/tutorials per week. It is recommended that international students take a minimum of four course modules per semester of study.

Student & Course Registration

Both student and module registration take place at Mary Immaculate College during the first week of each semester (after international student orientation); you will receive your College identification (ID) card during student registration. Should you make any changes to your module choices during the semester, please advise both your Academic Advisor and the Student Academic Administration (Eithne Galvin - of the change(s) via e-mail.

Attendance at Lectures, Tutorials & Practicals

All students are required to attend lectures, tutorials and practicals. It is important to check with the lecturer if there are tutorials in addition to the lecture. Absences should be reported to Student Academic Administration- Room: 112 (a medical certificate may be required).

Prospective International Students in need of Disability Support Services

Prospective international students are required to register with Disability Support Services in order for us to put academic and exam supports in place. Documentation regarding your disability should be submitted, and a Needs Assessment will take place with Disability Service and reasonable academic accommodations will be agreed upon.

If you have any other questions about Disability Support Services in Mary Immaculate College, please email:

Attendance at Examinations

All students are required to attend all scheduled assessments and examinations. If you miss an end-of-semester examination, contact Student Academic Administration [Room 112] for advice as a matter of priority. If you are registered for a module on an attendance-only basis (Auditing) and not required to take the examination, you are required to advise both your Academic Advisor and the Student Academic Administration, Eithne Galvin - via email.

Grading System

A grade is awarded for each module for which a student is registered.

  • The QPV (Quality Point Value) corresponds to the Grade Point Average (GPA) used in the North American system; accreditation of courses at Mary Immaculate College is directly comparable to the US system and each course module represents 1.5 or 3 credits.
  • The ECTS (European Credit Transfer System) grades apply to European students; a semester-long academic programme is worth 30 ECTS credits, and a full academic year is equal to 60 ECTS credits.
  • For Australian students, each course module worth 6 ECTS is comparable to 10 Australian Study Credits; modules worth 3 ECTS are 5 Study Credits.

Up-to-date information on the College’s grading system can be found in the MIC Student Handbook.


A transcript of your grades is sent to your home university co-ordinator following the meeting of the College’s Examination Board at the end of each semester of studies. Students can obtain their grades online by logging in on the Unit E student portal.

How do I transfer my academic credits?

When transferring to Mary Immaculate College to undertake an undergraduate or postgraduate programme, consideration is given to transferring relevant academic credits during the application process.

Academic Calendar & Timetables

The Academic Calendar contains dates of teaching weeks, study days, examination dates and Exam Board meetings throughout the autumn and spring semesters of each academic year.


If you are embarking on a full undergraduate or postgraduate programme at MIC, timetables for your classes will be made available at the start of each semester. Individual programme timetables available here.

Undergraduate Entry Requirements

  • Undergraduate Entry Requirements vary depending on country. 
  • High school graduation diploma with GPA of 3.0 or above that includes English, another language and mathematics.
  • SAT score in the range of 1090 to 1600 (new 3-component SAT) or a minimum ACT score of 22.
  • Particular programmes at MIC require applicants to have passed Advance Placement tests or Sat II tests in specific subjects.

Academic requirements and restrictions for specific MIC programmes are outlined below.

Subjects available on the Arts (BA) programme include: Business Studies,  Drama & Theatre Studies [see BA CATS programme detail below], English, French Studies, Geography, German Studies, History, Gaeilge [the Irish language], Mathematics, Media & Communication Studies, Music, Philosophy, Psychology and Theology & Religious Studies. Elective modules include: Irish Studies, Gender Studies and Information Technology.

Special modules are offered to international students including Gaeilge ab initio (Irish for Beginners) and Léann Dúchais (Irish Heritage Studies). International students may take courses in any of the Arts subjects and at any level, subject to the fulfilment of any pre-requisites and/or departmental requirements. Note, however, that class schedules may preclude certain course combinations and that student numbers in practical laboratory-based courses such as Media & Communications and Information Technology are limited.

Please refer to detailed course and module information in the Arts Module Descriptors for International Students.

The Bachelor of Education (B Ed) programme comprises theoretical education, pedagogy of curricular areas, and teaching practice. International students may take modules from the Bachelor of Education programme only if their home university has a dedicated Education link with Mary Immaculate College. No other international students may take modules/module components from this programme under any circumstances. Please also note that teaching practice modules, micro-teaching and/or classroom observation are not available to international students.

Please refer to detailed course and module information in the Education Module Descriptors for International Students.

The BA in Early Childhood Care and Education is a full-time four-year degree course designed to provide an exciting and challenging programme for those interested in working with young children in a range of educational settings. International students may take modules from the BA ECCE programme only if their home university has a dedicated ECCE link with Mary Immaculate College. No other international students may take modules/module components from this programme under any circumstances. Please also note that placement modules are not available to international students at present.

Please refer to detailed course and module information in the BA ECCE Module Descriptors for International Students.

The BA programme in Contemporary & Applied Theatre Studies examines drama and theatre across a range of practical applications and non-traditional settings, including, but not defined by, stage performance or the study of literary texts. Contemporary theatre signals that the programme will deal largely with current and emergent modes of theatrical production and reception.

Please refer to detailed course and module information in the Drama & Theatre Studies Module Descriptors for International Students.